Author: BreakoutPoint

Activist Short-Selling in H1 2024

Activist Short-Selling in H1 2024

In the first six months of the year we saw 65 new major short and critical campaigns. This is in line with the rate last year.  On average, shares declined …

Read More2024-07-06
Activist Shorts Weekly W25

Activist Shorts Weekly W25

This week, we have registered one new major call.  A newcomer skeptic targeted a crypto-related stock due to allegations of overvaluation and a dubious promotional scheme. The company is also tied …

Read More2024-06-21
Hindenburg vs NASDAQ

Hindenburg vs NASDAQ

When it comes to permissive exchanges that list anything with a pulse, investors might think about other places than NASDAQ. Just remember the frequency of GMT Research and several others …

Read More2024-06-13
Activist Shorts Weekly W23

Activist Shorts Weekly W23

This week, we have registered four new major calls.  We saw Hindenburg report on Axos Financial, Inc. (AX), a bank that is supposedly lending to criminals and has heavy exposure to the …

Read More2024-06-07
Activist Shorts Weekly W21

Activist Shorts Weekly W21

This week, we have registered five new major calls.  The biggest impact was done by NINGI Research who targeted Oddity Tech (ODD), a beauty company from Israel due to allegations of …

Read More2024-05-24
Activist Shorts Weekly W11

Activist Shorts Weekly W11

This week, we have registered two new major short calls. Hindenburg came out with its fourth campaign this year. As per usual, the heavy hitter delivered right from the start. Hindenburg alleged that …

Read More2024-03-15
Activist Shorts Weekly W5

Activist Shorts Weekly W5

This week, we have registered three new major short calls. We saw a rare public campaign by Safkhet Capital, linked to many previous campaigns such as Wirecard or Valeant. This time they decided to …

Read More2024-02-01
Activist short Selling in 2023

Activist short Selling in 2023

Another year in the activist short-selling community is now in the books, and what a year it has been. The market environment is unchanged. The golden era of fraud seems …

Read More2023-12-29
2023: Year of Newcomer Activist Shorts

2023: Year of Newcomer Activist Shorts

2023 was a busy year for short activists. We saw plenty of household names release their take on over 120 stocks. However, we also noted many newcomers who were previously rather unknown …

Read More2023-12-29
2023: Hindenburg's Year

2023: Hindenburg's Year

We want to highlight Hindenburg Research’s activity this year outside our usual annual activist short-selling review. This is due to the prominence of the activist well outside the usual borders …

Read More2023-12-29